sexta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2013

Death Grips - Death Grips

Death Grips - Death Grips


March 8, 2011
Third Worlds [Self-Release]


Andy "Flatlander" Morin
Stefan "MC Ride" Burnett
Zach Hill


01 Death Grips (Next Grips) (Andy "Flatlander" Morin / Stefan "MC Ride" Burnett / Zach Hill)
02 Face Melter (How To Do Impossible Things) (Andy "Flatlander" Morin / Stefan "MC Ride" Burnett / Zach Hill)
03 Full Moon (Death Classic) (Andy "Flatlander" Morin / Stefan "MC Ride" Burnett / Zach Hill)
04 Known For It (Freak Grips) (Andy "Flatlander" Morin / Stefan "MC Ride" Burnett / Zach Hill)
05 Takyon (Death Yon) (Andy "Flatlander" Morin / Stefan "MC Ride" Burnett / Zach Hill)
06 Where's It At (Death Heated) (Andy "Flatlander" Morin / Stefan "MC Ride" Burnett / Zach Hill)


Pitchfork: Death Grips feel extremely mission-oriented. Do you have any mantras or animating principles as a group?

ZH: Yeah: "No Representation Is Better Than Misrepresentation." Another is the idea of acceleration-- that word seems to apply to every aspect of our band. I mean acceleration in a broad, universal sense, the way you feel the pace of everything moving forward so quickly. Things are becoming archaic at a faster rate than ever before, and there's this close-mindedness that can exist even within the creative realm, like accelerating towards these old notions of what's acceptable. One of the things we do when we're able to play bigger rooms is modify the field of space with visual effects, so you get the sense of acceleration from all corners of the room-- almost like how Star Tours does it.

Pitchfork: Is your music supposed to embody that acceleration, or is it a reaction to it?

ZH: It's more of an embracing of it. We'd like our music to make you feel like you are accelerating physically and mentally. I don't mean that in an alienating sense, like we're some political band pushing our agendas on people. We're not. That's why I use more ambiguous words like "energy" and "feeling."
We're real hesitant, because we want to keep things on a day-to-day level where we can talk about being out of your mind on drugs and all those other, less-heady things that are totally real to our lives and just as relevant as the more abstract aspects. So it's weird to be like, "Our band is like the internet!" But actually it kind of is: You have all the lowest-level activity side-by-side with the highest intellect also happening within the same realm.

P.S.: I coudn't find any review of this EP on the internet, so I put an excerpt of Zach Hill's interview to Pitchfork that i think better describe the attitude of the band towards the music that features in this album.

Jayson Greene


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